Pakistan army chief General Bajwa's family became billionaires in 6 years


General Bajwa family wealth news: In what could have serious repercussions in a country which is already facing tumultuous political scenes, a report has emerged claiming that Pakistan army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa's family amassed billions in a short period of time. 

Pakistani journalist Ahmad Noorani, in a report published in Fact Focus, has claimed that General Bajwa's immediate and extended family members made billions of dollars within a span of six years through new businesses. The report underlined that Bajwa's family members purchased farmhouses in top cities of the country as well as bought properties in foreign countries. Based on tax returns and other financial statements, the Pakistani journalist noted how between 2013 and 2017, Bajwa revised the wealth statement for 2013 three times, after being appointed country's army chief.

"In the revised wealth statement for the year 2013, General Bajwa added a commercial plot in phase VIII of DHA Lahore. He claimed that in fact he had purchased this plot back in 2013 but forgot to declare. He would continue to forget for the next four years and could only remember his omissions in 2017, one year after becoming army chief," he wrote in Fact Focus.Back in 2016, Ayesha Amjad declared eight "Any Other Assets", without giving much detail. However, this was revised on April 17, 2018, when Bajwa became the Pak army chief. She declared that the net value of her assets during the previous financial year, 2015, was zero.But within six years, after dubious dealing of residential and commercial plots, her wealth went from zero in 2016 to Rs 2.2 billion - "not including residential plots, commercial plots, and houses given by the army to her husband."

The change in fortune of Bajwa's daughter-in-law Mahnoor Sabir is equally amazing.The total worth of a young woman's declared assets was zero in the last week of October 2018, it jumped to more than one billion (Rs 1271 million) just one week before her marriage on November 02, 2018," Ahmad Noorani wrote.

Though Mahnoor Sabir declared these properties to the FBR in 2018, the filing retrospectively stated that these properties were acquired in the tax years 2014, 2015, and 2016, the report added.

This report on Bajwa comes on Sunday, a day before the process for the appointment of a new army chief is likely to start. The content of Fact Focus is so damaging that the website of the publication is reportedly being blocked in Pakistan.


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