India's dangerous battle tanks in its borders


Combat Tanks of Indian Army: Knowing country war power is very important, hence this article is regarding the combat tanks that our Army has. Indian Army is one of the largest armies in the world. Below we have listed the combat tanks of Indian Army.

1. T-90M Bhishma

Main Battle Tank (MBT)

The T-90M Bhishma is a indigenously built Indian Army variant of the Russian T-90 Main Battle Tank.

2. DRDO Arjun (Lion)

Main Battle Tank (MBT)

The main aim of the Arjun Mk II is to vastly improve the overall capabilities of the original Arjun MBT

3. DRDO Tank EX / MBT Ex (Karna)

Main Battle Tank (MBT) Project

It is one of the important combat tank of Indian Army

4. BMD-2 (Boyevaya Mashina Desanta)

It is also known as Airborne Amphibious Light Tank and Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The BMD-2 is air-droppable infantry fighting vehicle.

It is next logical evolution of the BMD line of vehicles.

5. BMP-2 (Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty)

Infantry Combat vehicle

ICV BMP II is amphibious infantry fighting vehicle introduced in the 1980s in the Soviet Union

6. T-54 MBT

It is Medium Tank / Main Battle Tank (MBT)

The T-54 Main Battle Tank succeeded the fabled Soviet T-34 Medium Tank of World War 2 fame.

7. T-72 (Ajeya)

It is also known as Ajeya Main Battle Tank (MBT)

T-72 Main Battle Tank succeeded the T-54/T-55 series systems and continues in service today.


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