India Myanmar Thailand Trilateral highway corridor may extend to Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia

The undergoing project on the pioneering India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway is about 70 percent completed, as reported by PTI. The tie up among the three countries will enable the country to get access to Southeast Asia with the construction of a 1400 km long highway. 

The coming together of India, Myanmar and Thailand will help in opening of the gateways in the fields of business, health, trade, education and tourism among the nations. On the query of the latest update on the project, the Union minister replied that about 70 per cent of the project is finished, as said by PTI.

The operationalisation of the trilateral highway and complete detail of the completion of the project was not provided by the minister. The undergoing work on the proposed highway will be combining Moreh in Manipur, India with Mae Sot which is in Thailand across Myanmar.Recently, as per a group of Commerce Ministers from the three nations disclosed that the trilateral highway between Kolkata to Bangkok via Myanmar is anticipated to be complete in a time frame of four years. 

It is not very well known but the amalgamation of this trilateral road link project was a brainchild of former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The proposed project was given final consent in a ministerial meeting which was conducted in the presence of three nations representatives in the year April 2002.

This mega project did face many loopholes during the construction and resulted in delay of the project completion which was projected to be operational by December 2019. As per recent development, it is expected to start functioning in the next four years.

The trilateral road link plan will cross through Moreh, Guwahati, Kohima, Srirampur, Siliguri and stretch to Kolkata and will connect to Mae Sot , Sukhothai in Thailand, and Mandalay , Kalwa, Yagnon, and Tamu in Myanmar, according to TOI report.

India is expected to have the longest stretch of the highway while on the other hand the shortest will be Thailand and the total distance of this major project is estimated to be more than 2,800 kms.  In future other ASEAN countries like Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam may also intend to become a crucial members in this corrider that transforms this trilateral corridor into multilateral corridor.


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